Media Kit

Lyf Media Kit
Lyf Bags: The most innovative way to connect your love for the earth with your everyday life; a must-have bag for the global citizen.
Lyf bags blend work and casual lifestyle into a contemporary collection with stunning full color imagery taken from nature, reinforcing a dedication to the environment. Proceeds from sales go to help a reforestation program through partner, WeForest. Lyf expects to fund the planting of 1000 trees in Tanzania through this partnership.
To reinforce their dedication to sustainable practices, Lyf Company chooses to manufacture the collection of bags in their home state of North Carolina from cotton and natural wool. All bags are printed in their own facility using a unique waterless process, AFTER each bag is ordered. This eliminated the waste of inventory overages and enables Lyf to offer many more print options than most brands can produce. The imagery options span a wide variety of locations and scales, from microscopic photos of tree leaves to NASA images of krill populations in the ocean.
Lyf is inspired by life! A collection that highlights stunning images of our living planet while helping to restore its habitats allows customers to celebrate earth and support it at the same time. Carrying a Lyf bag is a visual reminder to look up and be truly conscious of the beauty of our surroundings — and to acknowledge our responsibility to protect and revere our world.
Fashion Images
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The Slim
The bag every creative professional needs but doesn’t have.
The Messenger
Click any image to see it larger in a lightbox. From the lightbox, control-click to download large image.
The Case Deluxe
Click any image to see it larger in a lightbox. From the lightbox, control-click to download large image.
Today’s throw-away culture has resulted in a forced product design process, with fast, cheap labor, readily accessible mass-produced materials and giant production facilities all pre-requisites to get a trendy, low cost, short lifespan product into the marketplace. This culture also results in mega-landfill waste, because new products are cheaper to buy than repairing existing products, and products are made fusing materials together in ways that prohibit getting them back apart to be recycled.
We believe there is another way. We believe there is demand in the marketplace for products made right. Products made with intention. Products made on-demand with health of the planet and producers in mind.
Products made for Lyf.
& We Love What We Do
Lyf Company is a consumer brand created by the product design and branding firm, Designbox.
Designbox, headed by husband and wife team Aly and Beth Khalifa, is a product innovation and brand strategy firm based in Raleigh NC and working with clients around the world. Throughout their client work, they have focused on design, materials and processes that better the planet. They have also invested their time and efforts in local community, creating events, spaces and even a full fledged creative festival called SPARKcon to motivate, promote and connect disparate creative efforts in the area.
Lyf Company is a direct result of years of client and community insights. Through working with entrepreneurs of all sizes, Designbox understands the challenges of making things that are “good.” Things that are useful, using production techniques that allow for low runs and product flexibility and customization, and materials that are pure, recyclable and put together with a design-for-disassembly intention.